Friday, January 21, 2011

A New Year

"2011" came and I wasn't ready. I never feel ready.
When the new year dawns I always seem to feel the unstoppable urge for CHANGE. Not that there is anything wrong with change. And, believe me, there are a few things that I did last year that certainly need some changing up because they just weren't working. But, they are sooo LAST YEAR and it is time to move on.
Yesterday,I sat down with a notebook and wrote my new year's resolutions. (Because, if you write them down then for sure you are going to stick to them, right?) And, I almost needed a Zanxax because I completely overwhelmed myself. My list was so long that I had to split it into "sub" lists, such as: Personal Goals, Spiritual Goals, Family Goals, Professional Goals, Couple/Marriage Goals, etc. You get the picture. I'm going to tell it to you straight - There is no way I am going to accomplish all those goals!
So, after a (not really good) nights sleep I think I'm ready to minimize the list to the absolute essentials. Enough to ensure that I'm still growing and learning, but not so much that I paralyze myself from getting started.(And, so that my husband doesn't revolt like he did when I tried to inflict "our" goals on him, unsuspectingly).
Oh, yea, and I'm gonna definitely lose 10 pounds.

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